Fantastic four 3 story comic
Fantastic four 3 story comic

fantastic four 3 story comic

They also created many tropes the FF were the first superheroes without a Secret Identity, the first super-team where the members fought each other as much as the villains, and the first place that Kirby Dots appeared, among others. In the wake of the success of the Four, titles like Spider-Man, the X-Men, The Avengers followed. The Fantastic Four as such both literally and figuratively founded the Marvel Universe as we know it. Their number one recurring enemy Doctor Doom has gone on to become the great Marvel-wide villain of the entire universe.

fantastic four 3 story comic

The first appearances of Black Panther and Wakanda, The Inhumans of Attilan, and the Silver Surfer were in the pages of the Four. Likewise, it was in the pages of the Four that the Marvel Universe and its greater world building was first fixed.

fantastic four 3 story comic

Victor von Doom, the Puppetmaster, the Molecule Man, the Red Ghost, the Trapster, the Frightful Four, Annihilus, among many others. In the course of their many adventures, the Four have faced a great assortment of rogues - the Mole Man, the Skrulls and the Kree, Dr. The FF have investigated, explored and mapped out more dimensions and alternate universes than you can fathom. The adventures of the Fantastic Four have taken them across the world, across time, to the far depths of space, and the bowels of the earth. The Fantastic Four are at heart a team of scientists and explorers, and they build vehicles, devices and portals in their penthouse dwelling atop the Baxter Building.

Fantastic four 3 story comic